How to strengthen my immunity against diseases

How to strengthen my immunity against diseases

immune system

In the immune system, the immune system protects the human body from attacking various germs, such as bacteria, viruses , parasites, and other organisms that can cause diseases. In fact, the immune system consists of many tissues, organs, and various cells, Which pass through the blood vessels, and lymphocytes, as white blood cells are stored in a number of body organs, such as: Thymus, spleen, bone marrow , lymph nodes, white blood cells can be classified into two basic types; Pharyngeal cells Of (English: Phagocytes), and lymphocytes ( in English: Lymphocytes), it is worth noting that different body 's immunityFrom one person to another. Indeed, immune strength increases with age and reaches the highest levels of adulthood or adulthood, as the immune system's ability and ability to resist these pathogens increases every time the body is exposed. 

How to strengthen the immune system against diseases

General Tips
There are a number of tips that can be used to help strengthen the immune system against diseases, including the following: 

Sleeping long enough and controlling stress: Sleep deprivation and excessive stress can increase the concentration of cortisol in the body, which in turn helps to inhibit the immune system in the event of high hormone levels in the body for long periods.
Avoid smoking: as the smoking weakens the immune system and increases the risk of bronchitis, and pneumonia in all age groups, and increases the risk of inflammation of the middle ear in children.

Avoid drinking alcohol: Drinking alcohol can weaken the immune system and increase the risk of respiratory infection.

Healthy diet: Be careful to eat sufficient amounts of vegetables, fruits, grains, and nuts, within your diets to get the necessary nutrients to function your immune system properly.
Probiotics: Because of their importance in reducing the risk of infection in the digestive system , or respiratory.
Exposure to sunlight: Exposure to sunlight stimulates the production of vitamin D , which in turn helps to strengthen the immune system and prevent certain infections and diseases.
Herbal supplements: can resort to the use of some types of dietary supplements that contain specific types of enhanced immune system herbs, especially if the person is suffering from recurrent infections, and examples of these herbs ginseng Asian (English: Panax ginseng), ginseng American ( in English: Panax quinquefolius) and purple (Echinacea purpurea).

Foods that strengthen the immune system

There are many foods that contribute to strengthening the work of the immune system and strengthen it against diseases, and these foods include: 

Citrus Citrus contains vitamin C, which increases the production of white blood cells that help fight infections, citrus, grapefruit, orange, tangerine, lemon and colmina. It should be noted that the body can not store Vitamin C and should therefore be taken from its sources On a daily basis to get the most benefit from this vitamin.

Red pepper: Red pepper is a dietary source rich in vitamin C, contains twice the amount of vitamin C in the same amount of citrus, and is a rich source of Beta carotene, which strengthens the immune system and maintain the health of skin and skin.
Broccoli: Broccoli is a vegetable rich in vitamins and minerals, as well as many antioxidants and fibers.

Garlic helps garlic to strengthen the immune system, because it contains sulfur - rich compounds, such as allicin ( in English: Allicin), also helps to lower blood pressure and slow down the process of atherosclerosis.
Ginger: Ginger helps reduce inflammation generally in the body, as well as reduce sore throat and many other diseases.
Yogurt: try eating yogurt containing the beneficial bacteria to its importance in helping to stimulate the immune system and increase its capacity to fight diseases, and yogurt is a good source of vitamin D , which regulates the work of the immune system and strengthens the fight against diseases.

Almond is a nutritional source rich in vitamin E essential for the work of the immune system, and it can be said that half a cup of almonds or equivalent to 46 pieces of almond provides 100% of the daily needs of vitamin E.

Green tea and black tea: Tea is rich in flavonoids, which act as antioxidants, and it should be said that green tea contains a greater amount of antioxidants that enhance the immune system compared to black tea, which was brewed, and green tea is a good source of one Amino acids that help produce special compounds, contribute to the fight against germs.
Papaya: Papaya is a fruit rich in vitamin C and contains a special enzyme that has anti-inflammatory effects, as well as potassium, vitamin B and folic acid, all of which boost the immune system.

Kiwi contains many elements that enhance the work of the immune system, such as: folic acid, potassium, vitamin K, and vitamin C.
Sunflower seeds: seeds contain sunflower useful elements for the work of the immune system, such as phosphorus, magnesium, vitamin B6, and vitamin E.
Seafood: such as mollusks, crabs, and mussels, as they contain enough zinc to enhance the immune system.

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