How to strengthen the immune system in the body

How to strengthen the immune system in the body

immune system

The immune system in the body consists of an interconnected network of cells, tissues, proteins and organs. Its main function is to protect the body from diseases and harmful objects such as bacteria, viruses, and parasites. In general, immunity in the body is divided into two types two main: immune innate or natural (English: innate immunity) is present since birth, and HIV ( in English: Adaptive immunity) which is obtained by the body as a result of exposure to different types of bacteria, and in fact, HIV is responsible for the manufacture of antibodies which Facing the germs and the body get rid of them. 

Strengthening the immune system

Eat healthy

It is recommended to eat healthy foods and beneficial to the body in order to avoid weight gain, and strengthen the immunity of the body, and the advice provided in this area as follows: 

Avoid sugars.

Focus on vegetables and fruits of various colors rich in antioxidants, such as: berries, citrus, red grapes, spinach, sweet potatoes, carrots.

Eat chicken soup, it helps to relieve colds and flu, and reduce the duration of the disease.
Minimize processed foods , use olive oil instead of other oils. 
Choose natural and organic foods especially when choosing meat, dairy products, as well as focus on fish intake. 

Eat Maitake mushrooms, broccoli, and green algae such as Spirulina, Dulse, and Chlorella. 
Focusing on garlic, it strengthens the immune system by increasing the number of T cells responsible for resistance to viruses, [4] and fresh garlic acts as an antiviral and bacteria. 
Eat whole grains such as: quinoa and oats, which contain complex carbohydrates and dietary fiber , the importance of fiber lies in supporting naturally occurring microorganisms in the intestines, which defend the body against viruses, fungus, and parasites. 
Eat dairy products, especially probiotics, such as Bifidobacteria and Lactobacilli, which help beneficial bacteria in the intestines perform their actions, such as attacking pathogens, improving the quality of digestion, and making certain important vitamins. 

Playing sports

Some studies have shown that regular exercise, an estimated 150 minutes per week, maintains overall health, and also helps strengthen the immune system by improving blood circulation, relieving pressure and tension, and promoting the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestines.  Studies have also shown that the sport supports the work of white blood cells responsible for attacking the infection, and increases the secretion of endorphins, which positively affects the brain, relieves pain, feels comfortable and helps to sleep well, for example Fast walking of exercises For useful to raise the level of the immune system. 

Sleep for hours is enough and well

Frequent exposure to insomnia and lack of sleep causes fatigue during the day, makes the individual more susceptible to infection and various diseases, as well as increased the likelihood of health problems such as diabetes and obesity, sleep is the body's way of rest, and although the role of sleep in support The immune system is unclear, but sleep reduces what is known as oxidative stress, and therefore protects cells from a number of damage.  Sleep deprivation may affect the immune system's short- and long-term functioning, According to studies The individual needs to sleep for 7-9 hours during the night, and with some tips that will help you sleep well follows: 

Create a dark atmosphere in the room as the bedtime approaches.

Close all electronic devices at least one hour before bedtime, as the external rays of these devices affect the normal secretion of the sleeping hormone known as Melatonin (Melatonin).
Organize your bedtime and wake up daily.
Adjust the room temperature so that it is relatively cool.

Dealing with stress

The continuous exposure to stress and tension in the immune system is negative, as it increases the secretion of stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline, which weaken the immune system. It is worth noting that changing lifestyle and practicing some exercises and spirituality May help control stress. In fact, there is a connection between the body and the soul with the immune system, so it is recommended to pay attention to spiritual nutrition such as prayer, meditation, and yoga. 

Stop drinking alcohol

Drinking alcohol prevents the white blood cells from performing their functions in the body, reducing the resistance of the body to infection, and drug abuse affects the same way in the immune system. 

Eat supplements

There are some dietary supplements that help strengthen the immune system and most of these supplements: antioxidants ( in English: Antioxidant) , such as beta - carotene, vitamin E, selenium, and vitamin C , as well as coenzyme Q10 ( in English: Coenzyme q10),  Zinc, vitamin D. It should be noted that vitamin D intake during pregnancy strengthens the child's immunity against respiratory diseases.

Take the vaccine

Considered Immunizations one of the means to strengthen HIV through life, and in fact , the vaccine contains a modified version of microbes is harmful, responds to the body to her, and be immune against it , and when a person is the same microbe who had Mtaoma against the immune system quickly remembers him and attack him quickly, The flu vaccine a vaccine task that reduce the risk of influenza disease and alleviate the symptoms associated with her, though more needs this type of vaccines: individuals most vulnerable to diseases such as: pregnant women, the elderly, and people with chronic illnesses.

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