How to get rid of colds in natural ways

How to get rid of colds in natural ways

Contents of the article

How to get rid of colds in natural ways
hot drinks
Grapefruit juice and orange
Garlic Yogurt Salad

The Encyclopedia website provides you with an article on how to get rid of colds in natural ways to guide you to a number of the best and most successful recipes of alternative medicine to combat the common cold and improve respiratory health in general. But before you continue reading, it should be noted that prescriptions should consult a specialist before using any of the alternative medicine prescriptions containing ingredients that you are not used to, especially if you are currently being treated with one or more drugs.

How to get rid of colds in natural ways


Gargle the salt

the ingredients

A glass of warm water.
Teaspoon salt.
Gargle lemon

the ingredients

A glass of warm water.
Teaspoon honey.
teaspoon lemon juice.
Gargle preparation method

Dissolve the ingredients together.
hot drinks

You can eat any of your favorite hot beverages, especially if they are foods that are rich in antioxidants. The best of these drinks are:

Ginger drink

the ingredients

1 cup boiled milk.
teaspoon of fresh ginger slices.
½ Cinnamon stick.
Teaspoon honey.
Method of preparation

Immerse ginger with cinnamon in milk.
Bring to a boil over low heat and simmer for 2 minutes.
Remove from heat, drain and sweeten.

Do not add cinnamon if you have a blood clotting disorder.
Wheat Flower Tea

the ingredients

A cup of boiling water.
teaspoon of wheat flower.
White honey for sweetening.
Method of preparation

Place the flower in water.
Leave the tea to warm and then drain and sweeten.
Grapefruit juice and orange

the ingredients

½ cup grapefruit juice.
¼ cup orange juice.
¼ cup milk.
Method of preparation

Mix all ingredients.
Garlic Yogurt Salad

the ingredients

1 cup yogurt.
teaspoon minced garlic.
teaspoon minced ginger.
teaspoon minced mints.
1 teaspoon unsweetened lemon juice
Method of preparation

Beat the ingredients together.
Note that you should consult a specialist doctor if the severity of the cold does not decrease, or if accompanied by severe symptoms such as high fever, or if it lasts for more than two weeks.

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